Thursday, February 25, 2010


Today the boys and I hit the zoo for our last free trip. Our membership expires Sunday, so I figured we had to have one last hurrah. The funny thing is, in all the time that we've been members (at least 5 years) I have never once taken the boys by myself, until today! We picked Cutter up from school and we were off! Let me tell you, if every trip would be like it was today, I almost would reconsider the renewing of membership. The weather was FAB and the kids were FABULOUS!

We saw some animals.

Cutter is all about the button pushing for the animal info.

We visited the children's area, Harmony Farm, only to play.
(Like, I am taking them anywhere near the petting zoo on my own! You know how many germs are in there! UGH!)

I let go of my fear of the over crowding children craziness and let them spend some time in the big "tree house". (Cutter's term)

AWESOME! They stayed right together so no worries!
(it was pretty cleared out by the time we played)

OH, it's not a complete trip to the zoo without a ride on the carousel.

(Jamie, how's my one arm shot?!)

Thank you Phoenix Zoo for some good times and good memories!


  1. Look at you getting all Brave. So proud! Now for the water park this summer....deep breaths!

  2. one are shot... AMAZING. you must have the god givin talent! nothing like the zoo.
