Monday, October 28, 2013

I'm coming back...carnival style!

WHOA...really Sept. 15, was my last post!  That's by far the longest I've gone without blogging.  To my defense, I have become an instagrammer fan, so the blog has taken a backseat.  BUT...I am getting back to it, and what better way to start then with the Anthem Carnival.  The carnival comes here twice a year, and Cutter makes sure we don't miss it.  The highlight this year...the boys are getting old enough to be more independent on some rides.  They will go over and over, so Collin actually gets a break.  He really takes one for the team, because I sure am not going on any ride that is put up in a day!  We hit the carney yesterday, and the boys had a good time!

Glad I don't have to deal with the filth and germs again until spring!

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