I might have enjoyed the Fresh Beat more than I should.

Our digs for the weekend...very kid friendly!

Can't beat swimming in February.

We played some expensive games..always fun!

Which led to a meltdown for Christian (he wouldn't let me photograph it),
which in turn made going to sleep very easy!

This should of been our first sign that a meltdown was coming.
Lovely, please lay on the filthy casino carpet.

Cutter could not get enough of the New York New York roller coaster.
Anywhere we went, if it was visible, he was watching!

Christian wanted his picture taken with EVERYONE!

And funny enough, all Cutter has been talking about is eating at PF Changs for the past couple weeks. SOOOOO....we did not disappoint him!
Crazy kid...he LOVED it!

Oh, how we LOVE us some Vegas Fun!!!

This whole trip was a surprise, and the kids had a blast!
If anything, Collin and I were reminded of how different the two of them are from each other.
And I was reminded of how SUPER my hubby is!
viva las baby is right!!! what a blast im so glad you guy hit it hard with the kids!! and the fresh beat band hu, is the white kid as annoying in real life? i cant watch the show cuz i want to punch him in the face ;) what a blast, it all looks like heavin... only thing that would have made it better, a shot of you... even though i know you were there jsut kinda tops it off!
ReplyDeletethank you God.....I was about to send the swat team after you! I was worried since you had not posted in SO long, glad it was because you were having so much fun!
ReplyDeleteLook at you what fun parents! Your kids will always remember the fun places you took them!