Now, part of this is that Collin is out of town, which means I can't sleep, so I have been doing some blog lurking. I found an idea to use the letters of the alphabet to describe our family. This way Cutter and Christian can see what we were all about at this time.

So, without further's the ABC's of us!
A...ASU...can't decide if we should love them or leave them?!
B...BOYS...I LOVE that I am surrounded by BOYS! I always said I was a boy mom, and was I ever right!

C...CHRISTIANITY...that is our faith. We are Christians, and hope to raise our kids in a home that teaches them to love God.
D...DAD...Collin could not be a better dad, and these boys are blessed to have him as a role model and hero.
E...ETHICON job ever! LOVE how it let's Collin be flexible at times so he can be involved in school activities! I know I have said it before...but it can't be said enough...THANK YOU COLLIN for working hard and being such a good provider! I so appreciate all you do!

F...FUN...we do try to have some now and then!
G...GOD...has blessed us immensely!
H...HAPPY...I pray for good ol' happy kids.
I...ILLNESS...lately I feel like we have had a lot of sickness. UGH!
J...JESUS...God's gotta know about Him.
K...KODA...the family dog. hope is that my children always know they are loved and feel loved.
M...MOM...ME...perfect! HA...I will always be grateful I got to be a stay at home mom.
N...NO...need to say less, and yes more!
O...OPPOSITES...Cutter and Christian.

P...POTTY...I am always cleaning up after it's used...boys + potty = GROSS! never know what your kids are going to ask, but you can only hope your answer is good.
R...RESTAURANTS...we eat out too much, and that is making Cutter an anti-home eater. He thinks food only tastes good if it's from a restaurant.
S...SPORTS...if Collin has his way, the boys will be trying everything until they find their gift. Not going to lie, but Christian might have the upper hand in this category. :)
T...TIME OUT...this is how we discipline right now...might need to rethink it. funny how I am this when it comes to germs! I have boys for crying out loud!
V...VACATIONS...Cutter and Christian are some good little travelers!

W...WORRY...can't help it but I do. Ultimately, God is in control, which makes my worrying a lot less.
X...X-RAY...thankfully we've only had one. I expect Christian to rack up a few. :)
Y...YEARS...they are flying by fast. I swear these kids were just babies!
Z...ZILCH...I got nothing!
That's time won't you sing with me!