How about a big HOORAY for the Kennedy's?! We made it through January, and a little into February without eating dinner out once! So to end the misery, or I should say commemorate our accomplishment, we headed to an oldie but a goodie for us. I will give you one guess?

We LOVE (keeping with my l-o-v-e theme) Ajo Al's, as I always say! It really was the perfect place for us to go, as we re-enter the restaurant scene. :) It was Collin's choice, and seriously I was surprised that come time to make the dinner choice (stay in or go out), I really could have stayed home. WHAT? Did I really say that? Was Collin right all along, and now I am cured of my eating out habit!? PLEASE NO!!! However, I think I might be.
Actually, to be fair, Collin deserves a huge THANK YOU for the lesson learned. We were a little bit out of control with the eating out, and his challenge really opened my eyes to how much we could save staying in, AND that there is a Rachel Ray somewhere deep inside me! He was more than complimentary with my cooking skills and the different recipes I attempted for dinner. Do I dare say I enjoyed it a bit?! Now that February has started, I am more than willing to compromise between eating out and dining at home on the weekends. THANK YOU COLLIN for making me "get it"!
Actually, to be fair, Collin deserves a huge THANK YOU for the lesson learned. We were a little bit out of control with the eating out, and his challenge really opened my eyes to how much we could save staying in, AND that there is a Rachel Ray somewhere deep inside me! He was more than complimentary with my cooking skills and the different recipes I attempted for dinner. Do I dare say I enjoyed it a bit?! Now that February has started, I am more than willing to compromise between eating out and dining at home on the weekends. THANK YOU COLLIN for making me "get it"!
Good job! You are a better woman than I am. I looove eating out! Yes, let's do dinner soon and perhaps lunch and maybe even squeeze a bagel in for breakfast...whatya say?
ReplyDeleteOk...this is funny to me because we would actually have to try (hard) to go out to dinner on a regular basis. The thought of it is just daunting. I'd rather stay at home and pick at left-overs or guess at some frozen and forgotten meat than brave a restaurant with 3 kids. But, I get the accomplishment. Congrats!