Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Another busy day....

THANK YOU UNCLE CHRIS!!! Today was a fun day at school for Cutter. They are talking about communities and families this month, and his teacher opened it up for people to come in and talk about their jobs. Well, Collin is going to go in, but I took full advantage of my brother in law, the pilot, and got him to come be a part of the PRE-K fun!!! He was great and he even brought wings and airplane cards to share with all the kiddos. It was a good time and we thank Uncle Chris for driving the drive for us!!! THANK YOU!!!

Afterwards, we got to go to lunch with Paige and her daughter, Elle, who so generously took care of Christian while we were at school with Cutter. She says he is good...I find it a bit shocking...but maybe being with a girl makes him a little bit more tame. :) I hear Elle does most of the watching...good job Elle...you keep him in line!

Next, on our agenda was a trip to the Dr. for flu shots. Seriously, I must be way to into my blogging because who takes pics of their kids crying in the dr. office instead of consoling them!!! I DO!!! Good thing my other half was there or they would be left to fend for themselves, so I can be sure to get the right pic to capture the moment.

Christian good....Cutter...not so good!!!

The payoff...ICE CREAM!!!

Tomorrow, I think we'll just hang out.


  1. i think if ice cream is the reward almost anything is worth it.

  2. Oh please, your kids are angels! (for me anyway)
