HOORAY for Walgreens and a miracle!!! I got my pics from my disposable AND my miracle was that the memory card in our camera pulled through so I still got my pics that I had taken before the big spill!!! I'm officially back in business tomorrow because the new camera should be arriving then. :) THANK YOU COLLIN!!!
Anyway, just wanted to post some pics to show you how much fun the boys had in Tucson. It was awesome weather and good family together time. I can't wait to do it again!
We finally got Cutter into the pool. (He said he was a big boy just like his friends Dax and Jace.)
The professional photographer who wanted to take pics of our kids because they were so cute playing in the splash fountain. (Can't wait to see those pics!)
Cutter pooping in the Marriott potty!!! (Those of you who know this was a BIG deal!)
Christian's face when he saw Spongebob in the lobby.
cutter look at you getting in the water and pooping in the potty, that tucson air must work magic for you!!! im so glad. and good work on being right on top of the camera thing.