San Diego 2011 was FAB! Four families, 9 kids, condos on the beach! Is there a better way to spend the week?! I think not!
I wasn't sure how to break down the week, so decided to start with some beach pics. Most of our days were spent on the beach, with kids racing the waves, and playing in the sand. Out of 7 days we had about 3 really sunny days. It was nice, but I L-O-V-E me those San Diego overcast days!
Some of our crew.
(Our place is the yellow building.)

There's nothing like being able to watch the kids w/out getting in the sand.


3 out of 4 girls
Note to self: the brown girl+hat=shadow.

Collin got in on some beach volleyball.

Our San Diego friends came to play with us!
Bailey and Mackenzie

OOPS...let's not forget the water.

Gotta love the beach!!!