It has been a whirlwind for the Kennedy's the last few days. My brother and sister in law came to town and we have been living it up at my parents house. They got in town on my birthday so what better present! Cutter and Christian were livin' the GOOD LIFE and having some GOOD TIMES!!!
They played bubbles.
They played Legos.

Since we knew Greg and Kiz were coming we didn't send bday gifts out. We had a group bday party with some great gifts for all!

Cutter made pizza with Nana.

Uncle Greg and Christian playing trains.
Aunt Kizra and Cutter playing cars.

Cutter and Christian enjoying the dirt. BOYS!
Uncle Mark even had a little surprise...SCOOTER!!!

Monday rolled around, and my parents had to work, so we were off to Prescott. We had some mexican food and were headed to downtown Prescott to hook up with Collin, WHEN, I found the best store ever and made everyone go inside!!! I had some bday money so I bought a few accessories for the home. (Sorry, didn't think to take a pic of this event.)
(I think this is going to be my new addiction.)
Of course we had to get some ice cream!
On the way out today, we made sure to feed Greg and Kiz before we went to the airport. Mellow Mushroom was the place of choice and the boys even scored FREE t-shirts out of the deal. :)
We filled up on pizza, sandwiches, and salad and then off to the airport.
Hurry back Uncle Greg and Aunt Kizra!!! We had a GREAT time!!!